A cherry tree – and a very special letter

The Oaks has received a letter from a very special correspondent.
To celebrate the wedding of the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the children gathered together for a special tea party back in May this year. They also planted a cherry tree in the grounds to mark the occasion.
The tree is called ‘HarMeg,’ and will be a lasting memorial to the happy couple. It’s one of the many planting projects that have taken place at the Oaks over the last two years, as part of the Polli:nation Project.
It’s not only the children who are impressed with their tree-planting skills, however. The children wrote to the Queen to send their best wishes, and tell her about all their hard work.
This letter from the royal household in Balmoral arrived last week, much to the team’s delight.
The text of the letter is as follows:
Balmoral Castle
The Queen wishes me to write and thank you for your letter and for the lovely messages and cards you sent for The Duke and Duchess of Sussex on their wedding day.
Her Majesty was very pleased to hear from you, and interested to learn about the Pollination Project you have all been working on, which involved creating an edible walkway of currants and berries, and the planting of a Cherry tree in celebration of the Royal wedding on 19th May.
The Queen greatly appreciated your good wishes for the Royal Family at this time, and Her Majesty hopes the care and hard work you have put into you two year project will be rewarded with success.
I am to thank you again for your kind thought in writing to the Queen.
Jennifer Gordon Lennox
August 14th 2018