Autumn picture books to share

A change of seasons is a great learning opportunity.

You and your child will have noticed the arrival of autumn: the change in the weather; different clothes; what rain feels like when it lands on your face. Autumn is a season for splashing in puddles and, soon, running through lots of crunchy leaves.

It’s also the perfect time to cuddle up with a book from the library. Here are some autumnal picture books you can enjoy together.

The Rainy Day, written by Anna Milbourne, illustrated by Sarah Gill

‘Have you ever wondered where rain comes from?’

This beautifully-illustrated story follows a family walk on a rainy, blustery day, and explains the core scientific concepts behind clouds, rain and autumnal weather in a simple, child-friendly way.

Elmer and the Rainbow, written and illustrated by David McKee

Elmer sees a bright and beautiful rainbow, before a storm comes. After hiding with his elephant friends, Elmer finds a sad colourless rainbow in the sky. Can he share his colours to bring it back?

A heartwarming story from the familiar Elmer range about being generous with what we have.

Pumpkin Soup, written and illustrated by Helen Cooper

Cat, Duck and Squirrel always share the job of making pumpkin soup together – until one day, Duck decides to take over the job of stirring…

The autumn colours of this book will warm you right up, as will this thoughtful story about friendship.

The Wind Blew, written and illustrated by Pat Hutchins

This classic story from the author-illustrator of Rosie’s Walk won the Greenaway Medal in 1974, the highest accolade for picture books in the UK.

A funny rhyming tale of the wind whisking away umbrellas, clothes, wigs and more before returning them all, accompanied by beautiful and quirky illustrations.

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