The Oaks Day Nursery: fundraising success
At The Oaks Day Nursery, we’re thrilled to see the results of our fundraising for Birmingham Children’s Hospital, in their new outdoor space.
Paediatric first aid
Find out about Millie’s Mark, and the paediatric first aid offered by all staff at University of Birmingham Day Nurseries.
Can I Go and Play Now?
Meet Greg Bottrill, author of Can I Go and Play Now? Greg is passionate about delivering the EYFS curriculum through play and joy.
Summer fun at Birmingham Day Nurseries
It’s a summer of fun at The Elms, The Oaks and The Maples. Catch up on the summer trip and some exciting news for The Elms.
NDNA awards 2019: the results
Birmingham Day Nurseries were shortlisted for two NDNA awards in 2019: The Elms for Team Development, and The Oaks for Nursery Manager of the Year.
A Little Trip to the Dentist: supporting the NHS campaign
Oral health is something we take seriously at Birmingham Day Nurseries. That’s why we’re backing #ALittleTripToTheDentist, NHS Midlands’ campaign to get more children under two to see the dentist. Watch Vicki Wall, Deputy Manager of The Elms, explain how the nursery is supporting parents and children to achieve better oral health. Want to know more? […]
The Maples Day Nursery: the first three months
The Maples Day Nursery is a unique mix of sustainability and the Curiosity Approach. We caught up with manager Heather Bench to see what’s been happening since the nursery opened.